SEO By K Morley

Why On Blogger I started my SEO helper blog on blogger as my very first journey to the world of online content started on Blogger. I researched for something to use for internal communications when I was a regional service manger for a casino supply company. I had engineers all around the UK and Europe who worked remotely and where constantly ringing up for advice as I used to be an engineer when I started. I was a bloody good one as well, if not the best so thats why they still rang me for advice. Manager Responsibilities I was the manager and I had other things to do, so I created a site with all the manuals I had written previously and uploaded them to my blogger site. So successful was the site that the other offices from around the world wanted their engineers adding. Moving On I have long left that industry and made some money from my Casino affiliate site that still runs today. It makes very little now but I invested some of the money I made in so...