Risk Based Asset Management

There are a wide range of software products available for collecting highway inspection data. However many fall short of delivering true highway asset management. The time taken to collate data, analyse it and act accordingly is often overlooked. Especially in the initial point of selecting highway asset management software.
Price becomes a leading factor in choosing highway inspection software but what is the true cost?

Data Collection & Processing 

If your field crews are slowed through the process of collecting data. Or even there is downtime caused through the use of the inspection software. At this point it could be costing you more than you had planned. 
Indirect costs such as labour and fuel can easily outweigh any software license costs. Especially if there is a detrimental effect of deploying the software. Good highway asset management software should improve efficiencies way beyond the cost of the software.

Increased Productivity by 50%

A recent customer survey showed that huge time savings in back office management are possible. This is especially true when high quality asset data is easily accessible to all. Some of our customers improved daily productivity by up to 50% after deployment of KaarbonTech highway asset management software

Example, Office Interface 
50% increase in productivity is a massive leap of efficiencies. Image what your employees could get done in that time. It’s often found that once you do implement our asset management software it can be cost neutral. Read our case study. Walsall Council, the implementation could even be cost neutral.

How To Choose Your Asset Management Software 

The first consideration before making an in investment in any software is evaluate what you currently have. Ensure that it is an honest review of the end to end users. At every user point you need to have some input from an actual user of the systems. Above all never assume that one department is less important than the other. 
Some of our customers improved daily productivity by up to 50% after deployment of KaarbonTech highway asset management software
Survey Data

asset management software solutions
The ease of use and the flow of data from start to finish is everything. Useable data has a massive impact on productivity. If the asset management software is great except the reporting will it still be acceptable. If it takes days to pull the information together what is the real cost. 

Things to Consider When Choosing Your Software 

  • Fit for purpose 
    • Does the software solve the problems you wanted. 
  • Maturity 
    • Is it a tried and tested software platform and not a beta release.
  • Provenance 
    • It may be a great piece of software but is the company provider sustainable. Will they still be in business in 3 years time 
  • Support 
    • Is there any support structure to the software provider. After all if anything does go wrong you don’t want to wait weeks for a fix.
  • Reliability/availability/scalability
    • What if you decide that you want to scale up its usage. Can they provide that solution. 
  • Deliverability 
    • Can you report on all the data within the system. Or do you need to rely on the software provider to add functionality for you to see the results?
  • Bespoke Solutions 
    • Can it be it be modified to suit your needs. Can it be developed further.

Kaarbontech Gully SMART with photo of a gully

Kaarbontech Software Solutions 

At Kaarbontech we can be postive with all the above touch point’s. We have been wining awards for years for our gully management software. Our aim is to provide solutions and the management of all your assets whatever they may be.
Kaarbontech provide multiple solutions for asset management. 
So if you want to increase your productivity by 50% then speak with our team today. Email sales@kaarbontech.co.uk or call us 01202 031333
Finally don’t just take our word for how great of asset management software is so read some of our case studies. Or read our testimonials


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